Fog Covers GT Street, Triggers Stack Up Multi Auto Accident

JEHLUM/ISLAMABAD: Unfortunately, a lady lost her life, and 33 others endured wounds in a staggering crash including four vehicles on Stupendous Trunk (GT) Street close to Jehlum, exacerbated by thick haze and unfortunate perceivability.

As per salvage authorities, the occurrence unfurled as two vehicles slammed into a truck ensuing to an earlier mishap between a traveler transport and a truck on GT Street, all credited to the difficult low perceivability conditions.

Endeavors are in progress as salvage groups tenaciously work to ship the harmed people to the closest emergency clinic for vital clinical consideration.

This lamentable occasion follows an example of comparative episodes, highlighting the risks presented by mist related street mishaps. Prominently, on December 21, 2019, four people lost their lives, and 27 supported wounds in two separate episodes connected to haze.

In one occurrence close to Hafizabad, an impact between a transport and a farm vehicle streetcar guaranteed four lives and left 13 others injured. The transport, conveying wedding visitors from Jokhiyan to Multan, crashed into the farm hauler streetcar, provoking the quick reaction of salvage groups who cleared the harmed to Tehsil Base camp Clinic.

In one more disaster in Ruler Province, fourteen people endured wounds when a traveler van slammed into a work vehicle streetcar. Salvage sources affirmed the occurrence, featuring the requirement for expanded mindfulness and precautionary measures during unfriendly weather patterns, especially haze, to forestall such awful mishaps later on.

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