Donald Trump continues rant about legal issues even on Christmas

During Christmas, while many expect leaders to emphasize peace, family, and unity, former US President Donald Trump took a different approach.

Instead of spreading Christmas cheer, Trump used social media to vent his frustrations regarding his legal troubles on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

According to CNN, his holiday season rant hinted at a polarizing and self-serving strategy he may use in the 2024 election, which could impact the country’s future.

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Additionally, he denounced a Colorado ruling that had eliminated him from the race, claiming that “most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics” agreed that the state’s choice was “political delusion”

he former president shared a video of his presidential Christmas speeches after ranting about the 2024 presidential election and his legal issues. He faces four criminal trials with 91 felony counts next year while running for president. His team requested an appeals court to dismiss the federal election interference case against him citing presidential immunity.

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